by Anthony Barnes
video from CNSNews
Well it certainly seems that Harrison Ford cares about the enviroment. So much so that he wants you to by carbon credits, reduce your fossil fuels and your energy use. There is one big problem with this however, just like every other Enviro-Elitist in Hollywood the rules do not apply to them. Ford owns 7 planes, BUT WAIT!, he only flies one at a time, WHEW!! thank God for that.
What is so great about this video is that the reporter basically just asks the question and allows Ford to pontificate on and on about what people can do to make the world a lucious and beautiful place, and when confronted with his hypocrisy exclaims he doesn't have to walk the walk until everyone else does. The reporter only had to provide the noose for Ford to hang himself with, and he gladly does. Hopefully someday Hollywood will realize that most of us in America really don't care about their opinions and we just want to be entertained.
At least Ford doesn't fly the Millenium Falcon around the planet I am sure the Ion thrusters in that really would pollute the joint.

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