The Barnes Eye View

A Meaty Goulash of Movies, Sports, and Conservative Politics

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by Greg Gutfield

Well, he's back like Chucky, and twice as Yucky.

I speak not of my former houseboy Roderigo (we still can't find him, alas), but Al Gore, who mysteriously disappeared as his self-propelled universe of climate change hysteria started to crumble around him.

Gore was always "the boy in the plastic bubble" - he could go anywhere and say anything he wanted about the coming apocalypse - but you couldn't say anything back. He was protected by the shared assumptions of a like-minded media, fawning academics and that cool habit of skipping out of conferences before those awkward Q and A sessions.

But now he's reared his hallucinatory head - in yet another bubble - the New York Times op-ed section. There he addresses the "climate-gate" mess - but being a true believer, he prefers to call it an "attack" on science, and focuses only on details he feels comfortable defending.

He sidesteps Phil Jones' revelations of no global warming in the last fifteen years, and the fact that the famed "hockey stick" graph that Gore embraced like a bag of éclairs, is a fraud.

So what is Gore's defense? He writes...

"But the scientific enterprise will never be completely free of mistakes."

And therein lies the hubris. Fact is, just months ago, Gore would have told you there were no mistakes when it came to manmade global warming science. Belief was pure.

Now, after all the fabrications, cover-ups and "mistakes" have been exposed, you have the commander-in-climate...shrugging.

Of course, he still clings to catastrophe, pretending it's based on fact. But facts are not what you're hearing. What you're hearing is all the air coming out of the bubble.

And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than a racist homophobe who eats polar bears.

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